These beets are very enjoyable, growing tender and fine-grained throughout. Ideal for use fresh, canned, pickled and frozen. Tops are great for salads too! Please Note: Seed tapes require consistent moisture to ensure best germination. Latin Name: Beta vulgaris Seed Type: Heirloom Online Code: 139825 Product Weight: 4.5 meters (15 feet) - with 100 plus seeds Plant Type: Vegetable Flavor: Wonderful earthy flavor Days to Harvest: 50 to 60 days Days to Seed Germination: 10 to 12 days Seed Planting Depth: 1.3 cm (1/2") Row Spacing: 30 cm (12") Plant Spacing: 8 cm (3") Planting Instructions: Prepare the soil for planting. Make shallow rows 13 mm (1/2") deep and 30 cm (12") apart. Tear strips apart and unroll into rows. Water the Seedtape thoroughly, then cover with soil and water thoroughly again. Beets grow quickly and can be re-sown every 2 weeks until mid-summer. How To Grow: Beet Detroit Dark Red Seed Tape Suggestions: Plant near bush beans, cabbage, lettuce, or kohlrabi but away from pole beans. Preparation Ideas: The skin on beets is easiest removed after beets are roasted, steamed or boiled. Once cool enough to handle, the skin is easily removed with a paper towel.